June 01, 2011

look strong, but deep inside im fragile

hurm, xtahu nak cakap ape. 
sejak dr petang td aku rse hati ni x benti2 menangis n merintih. 
bnyak mnde yang aku pk esp my studies. 
sempat ke nak habiskan semua subjects tu in this one month or 4 weeks time ?!?!? 
boleh ke aku join shabat2 aku yang akan ke klang nanti !?!? 
just thinking bout it make me worried and my heart ache so much. 
the only diff is that im not crying, either the tears wont come out anymore or i just try my best to hold it.
and now i started to blame myself to the point that i cant focus on my studies.
believe it or not, since aku dapat tahu yang aku xlepas, xpernah sekali pun air mata ni jatuh.
mungkin sebab aku dah expect akan kne supple ?!?!?!
takut plak kalau2 aku akan mengalami depressi yg x di jangka. huhu

sekarang ni lah baru rse bertapa susahnye supple.
mmg x dinafikan yang 2nd year punya subject bg aku susah.
more to memorise things/facts and a lots of new terms learnt esp pathology.
sgt memerlukan imaginasi yang tggi untuk mengingat.
td pg ade kelas parasitology with prof.suresh.
as usual his words really encouraging (ye ke ?!?!) and makes me think.
masuk kelas tu bukan rse macam masuk kelas parasit biasa tapi itu KELAS MOTIVASI
he personally said that if any of you feel down/depress just knock his room and for sure you will get free-of-charge motivation. XD

thanx pd korang2 yang concern pasal aku.
tnya aku ok ke x. realitinya aku x tahu ape yang aku rse.
nak kata ok pun x juga, nak kata x ok pun salah aku.
korang suruh aku nangis puas2, tp aku x buat pun sebenarnya.
still holding the tears til now. :I <---try to smile here....

p/s :: maybe i need a shoulder to lean and words keep on encouraging me, so that aku x pk negatif sgt. or maybe i should cry ?!?!?